Interested to sell your company to OptiGroup?
Acquisitions are an important component of our strategy. We are always on the lookout for entrepreneurs who we can work with actively to develop and complement the Group’s existing portfolio of products and services.
OptiGroup is a financially strong, well-established and committed owner. We have clear objectives and tools to help develop and grow businesses successfully and profitably. As part of OptiGroup, entrepreneurs can continue to develop, grow, and be successful.
What kind of companies are we looking for?
- Well-managed
- Strong customer and supplier relationships
- Profitable with growth potential
- Leading market position
Why choose OptiGroup?
Over the years, OptiGroup has acquired and welcomed many companies to the Group. From these experiences, we have developed a clear and successful process for the integration and development of acquired companies, along with their owner and management teams.
We have a long history, significant resources and experience, and a strong financial platform from which to develop further. To you, as an owner, we offer the opportunity to:
- Grow your business and enhance your customer offering
- Accelerate the development of your company and your employees
- Gain access to additional competencies and networks
- Secure the value you have created
- Manage succession planning
Please contact me for an open dialogue on the future!