Modern Slavery Act Statement

OptiGroup has operations and employees limited to EU, Norway and Switzerland. The company considers the issues and related risks covered by the UK Modern Slavery Act (the Act) well understood and managed, and considers the risk for modern slavery and human trafficking in its own business to be virtually non-existent.

We are aware of that the risks are higher in the supplier chain. Our Supplier Code of Conduct, which is based on the UN Global Compact’s principles on human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption, should be included in all new supplier agreements and also in renegotiated agreements. In the code, we also express an expectation that suppliers will place similar demands on their subcontractors.

We work continuously to find ways to minimise risks in the supplier chain and through our responsible sourcing work we have strict intake processes in place to mitigate related risks of the issues covered by the Act. If an employee identifies potential or actual violation of our commitments or requirements, they can file an anonymous report to our whistleblowing service.